Current Issues

Current Issues

Fighting for a Stronger Economy

Joe Biden and the Establishment in Washington are destroying the American economy for their own gain. With uncontrollable federal spending that has caused 40-year record high inflation & interest rates, socialist policies creeping into legislation, declaring war on the energy sector with their radical climate agenda, and burdensome regulations to force Americans to comply with the radical Green New Deal, Washington, DC is failing the American people and driving millions of Americans into poverty and government dependency that will cause our economy to collapse.


Fighting Indoctrination

The father of three and grandfather of two, Charles will always fight for the rights of parents and students. Charles believes that there are only two genders; male and female. Charles will introduce legislation and vote to cut all federal money to universities that promote the false ideology of transgenderism, that embrace CRT, DEI, and cultural Marxism. In Washington, Charles will stand up to radical Democrats who want to allow boys to play girls' sports and use girls' locker rooms. He will fight woke curriculum trying to be forced by the Department of Education and hold institutions of higher education accountable for how they spend taxpayer dollars.


Standing up to China

China is our number one adversary and should be treated as such. In Washington, Charles will stand up to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and make sure they do not continue to buy American farmland to build their factories in our country.


Securing our Southern Border

Under President Biden, a historic number of illegal border crossings have flooded our southern communities bringing with it a flood of crime and drugs. Charles will vote to fund the completion of the border wall and finish what President Trump started. We must fully fund our Border Patrol agents and provide them with the equipment necessary to secure our southern border and prevent criminals from flooding our streets with illicit drugs like fentanyl.


The Weaponizing of Government

Democracy is a process and not an outcome. Rather than allow the American people to decide who governs them, Joe Biden and the radical Democrats believe that, unless they get their outcome, democracy fails and, therefore, any means necessary to defend their perverted view of democracy is justified, including trampling on your constitutional rights and liberties.


Defending Our Carolina Values

As a Christian, Charles believes that our nation has tilted away from our core principles. Charles will advocate for our traditional Carolina way of life by standing up for our Judeo-Christian values, putting God back in our schools, and encouraging our children to be firm in their faith.


I will stand up and fight for you.